Poet Reporter
Welcome to my blog! Poet Reporter began as a hashtag for writings that drove home a feeling, usually of belonging and togetherness. Now Poet Reporter has become the blog itself. You won’t find who-what-when-where-why-how here. You’ll find a different kind of reporting, through the eyes of a poet.
Life Lessons from Winker Barbie
“I liked your Barbie poem last night,” says my friend and fellow poet, Chris, on the phone last Monday, after I’d delivered a new poem Sunday night at The Drank Idiom Slam competition in Rochester…
Eyes Closed
Friday, June 7, I read for Cracked Walnut at The Salon in Rochester. I’d been racking my brain on what to read, pretty much since the invitation to speak arrived weeks ago…
The Welcome Door
As my Facebook friends know, last night I posted this: “I’m on church vestry. It’s like Congress, and just as methodical and slow-moving. Tonight, however, we ‘DMC-fast-tracked*’ the same sex marriage issue…”
How Many of Me Do You See?
What have I been doing lately, you ask? Ta da! What follows is a Tall Tale speech I gave that took first place at my ToastMasters Club in February, and placed third at the Rochester Area level competition last Saturday…