Poet Reporter
Welcome to my blog! Poet Reporter began as a hashtag for writings that drove home a feeling, usually of belonging and togetherness. Now Poet Reporter has become the blog itself. You won’t find who-what-when-where-why-how here. You’ll find a different kind of reporting, through the eyes of a poet.
Ill Feelings
Here’s a little grammar for your Tuesday, two very common words that simply need to be used in the right direction: Nauseated and Nauseous…
Life Lessons from Winker Barbie
“I liked your Barbie poem last night,” says my friend and fellow poet, Chris, on the phone last Monday, after I’d delivered a new poem Sunday night at The Drank Idiom Slam competition in Rochester…
Thought #7
I’ve been assigned an editor for one of my writing projects. My first thought: “Wow! They think I’m important enough to have an editor!” My second thought: “Hey! They think I stink and I need an editor!”
How Many of Me Do You See?
What have I been doing lately, you ask? Ta da! What follows is a Tall Tale speech I gave that took first place at my ToastMasters Club in February, and placed third at the Rochester Area level competition last Saturday…